Tag Archives: Learning Photoshop

How to use FireFly AI in Photoshop

Adobe generative AI technology in Photoshop, make compositing and editing work at breeze. In this video, I am going over very powerful and very simple-to-use new AI functionality in Photoshop. Be sure to check my other channel Please support by…

Exclude your work from AI Art generators

How to exclude your Art from being used in AI models? In this video, I look at some options for those artists, who want to do so. It is not a perfect solution but starts. Personally, I do support AI-generated…

The best free AI Art Generators.

Free best AI art generators, plus some free trial services. If you know some good free AI services, please post them here, let me know, and I will add them in the next video. List of AI generators: https://playgroundai.com https://www.mage.space…

Prefect portraits in MidJourney AI with photos

How to make a perfect portrait from a photo with MidJourney AI. I ask people on social media to send me their portraits, all sizes and shapes to create AI portraits. After 500++ different photos from people, here are my…

Tips to start AI Art Services

In the past few weeks, I was approached by a surprise amount of starting up and already running AI Art generated businesses. Asking for tips on how to successfully adjust the business. Surprise, most of them fall short in one…

AI Art prompts that will help sell your art.

Based on my own experience selling AI generated art, I am sharing my prompts and suggestions. Upscale your generated art to sell I appreciate your support! Please subscribe and leave your comments. What do I use: Best image upscaler Corsair…

Best AI models and Extensions for Stable Diffusion, local installation

My personal setup for Local Stable Diffusion, what models and extensions I am using and recommending. Special thank’s to Aitrepreneur, be sure to check this youtube channel: OpenJourney model: Robo Diffusion: Inpainting Stable Diffusion: Disney style model: Anime model: Web-based…

Adobe AI Sensei, hidden gem

Do you know, that Adobe used AI to generate image content for a few years now? In this video, I am going over different AI technology used in Photoshop with AI models. I appreciate your support! Please subscribe and leave…

Photos + MidJourney: Tips and Tricks

Tips on how to set prompts and additional references to create the best Phooto-based art in MidJourney. I created hundreds of AI renders with hundreds of different photos, to find the best solutions and prompt tips. If you want print,…

Making Stunning AI Anime animation

In this video, we go over a new way of creating anime and animation. By using a form of AI we are able to create what is known as “stunting”. This is taking an anime or animation character and making…