Exploring the Underground: A Dive into Lesser-Known AI Tools

By | March 6, 2024

Exploring the Underground: A Dive into Lesser-Known AI Tools

It’s a jungle out there. With the ever-growing corpus of artificial intelligence, it’s easy to get hypnotized by the marquee properties of OpenAI… the Microsofts, Googles, etc. But for every acknowledged AI tool and platform, there are tens of underground innovators who are hustling to change the digital landscape. Matt Wolfe’s show, “Underground AI,” powered by spotlighting.ai, is our flashlight in this cavern. It’s a show that explores a few of this excellent technologist’s 2,644 AI tools in the virtual library at future.tools. Wolfe’s show is also an implicit critique of the generic, annoyed and feverish puff pieces that only register what the Apples and Diet Cokes of artificial intelligence are doing.

Example AI Tools Reviewed SDXL Lightning:

The Flash of AI Image Generation For the quickest hat, the AI image generating salesman is SDXL Lightning, who sells pictures for the speed of thought. The large, large wall between talking about the tool and showing what it does speaks volumes of its capability — an actual one, it’s toiling creators say — to produce images in realtime, as it’s instructed by the user. Lightning claims to have both greater speed in producing images and in being able to receive and implement new commands than the unexcitingly named, lightning-fast AI image generating facility, Hyperreal. With its invention and its unbounded potential, as well as what he saw on the tool’s backend, MATT WOLFE, SPOTLIGHT_AI CEO evaluated SDXL Lightning in its current alpha version. Logo Mark AI: Crafting Logos with Precision and Speed of AI Are you an entrepreneur who can’t drum that perfect logo out of your skull on Photoshop? What if there was an AI-powered site that you could go to and describe your new team’s heart to, and walk away with a terrific, spot-on logo? In Wolfe’s estimation, as he sprints the fledgling a Logo Mark AI from ZCUBE through its formative stages, the tool has a ways to go before it can compete with for-free competition like the AI, Dolly 3.

Render Net: AI Image Generation Customized

The Render Net platform is known for its features including face lock and control nets, which provide levels of control never before seen in image generation. Wolfe’s trial of the service reveals the system’s ability to consistently employ specific faces across the created images, providing users new possibilities for creating personalized content.
Caption My Photos: AI Content Captioning

In today’s hyper-social age, the right caption is more valuable than gold. Caption My Photos looks to fill this void by automatically creating photo captions with an AI-driven flair. Wolfe’s review puts this latest tool through its paces and finds that it comes as an exciting time-saving option but can it survive when we consider recent platforms like ChatGPT, which often come much cheaper?

Iisten AI: Transform Text into a Podcast

Iisten AI takes the concept of content consumption even further by taking stories, articles and webpages and turning them into podcasts. Wolfe checks out this tool and sees how it might be a handy assistant for anyone looking to consume a lot of information on the go. As it’s only available to try for free and, as a result, short on a level of customization, we may have to wait to truly see what it’s made of.

Jelly Pod: Turn Your Newsletters into a Daily Podcast

Have you heard? You can now turn your email newsletters into (a sort of) personalized daily podcast. Wolfe takes us inside her time with the service and what it’s like to have your list of subscriptions read to you, potentially changing the way we start off our days.

Odio: A New Kind of Research and Writing

Odio is truly an AI in a class of its own, as it offers a real all-in-one experience that will likely change how research and writing happens from now on. By bringing in information from a host of different areas and providing you with that level of understanding, rhetorical skill and even learning — it is a game-changer for scholars and researchers. Wolfe’s spin with all the new features lets us know that its promise is very real, albeit without revealing an easy transition with its credit-based pricing model.

Magic Ads & Vide Talk: AI-Powered Video Creation

Two AI-powered video creators, Magic Ads and Vide Talk, take vastly different approaches to video creation. Wolfe criticizes Magic Ads for its high cost and lack of flexibility, and praises Vide Talk for efficiently creating short form content, despite struggling a bit with understanding the context of an image.


The purpose of “Underground AI” is not just to expose you to a plethora of AI tools, tips, and techniques you’ve likely never used before, but to remind you that there’s a vast, untapped world of tools out there that remain beyond the mainstream. And that leads us to a greater truth about AI: The AI revolution is essentially a creative revolution for endless digital models across all types of digital work — and a guide Mission to illustrate that for every content creator, researcher, and technology enthusiast.
Reading the series proves to be a thorough reminder that curiosity can fuel every endeavor and the barriers to innovation are far lower than one may think. From one content creator, researcher or technology enthusiast to another, the journey to “Underground AI” feels like an exciting opportunity.