ComfyUI Workflow Creation Essentials

By | December 1, 2023

If you’ve ever wanted to start creating your own Stable Diffusion workflows in ComfyU, then this is the video for you! I’ve packed a whole raft of essentials into a single video for you to get started. All the little bits and pieces you might have wondered about such as adding new nodes, updating ComfyUI, node labels, custom colours, templates and more – jam packed into one video!

Note: Ctrl can also be replaced with Cmd instead for macOS users

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If you’ve already installed comfy UI and Are now ready to start getting creative With your own workflows then this crash Course will equip you with the core Skills needed to make your ideas a Reality I’ll be providing key workflow Examples time saving hints and tips Settings you may not be aware of as well As how to start expanding beyond the Basic nodes you get by the end you’ll Have a toolbox full of comfy Essentials Ready to Unleash Your Creations upon the World so without any further Ado let’s Get to it starting right at the Beginning with a blank canvas you’ll Soon see how easy it is to make a Workflow that generates an image from Text you can of course do a whole lot More than the workflow I’m about to show You with one such example of doing a Whole lot more being my free reposal a Workflow this started out with the idea Of can I make a consistent character Just using a single face image and an Image that I want that character to be Posed in as it turns out like you can See there yes you can I’ve got my input Face image there’s the pose as you can See it sort of detects the pose there And then generates my character using That pose if I want a new pose I simply Pick that new pose and then regenerate And there I have my character in the new Pose after i’ created that one I then

Expanded it to swap clothing and Backgrounds as well so it’s uh yeah if You have a quick look at the number of Nodes there it’s very easy to get Carried away all right getting back to Basic back to our blank canvas adding Nodes is the very first thing that you Need to master and like with this Example example here you’ll typically Want to start with a Cas sampler this is Like the main engine of the workflow With controls for things like the seed And guidance scale sampler all that sort Of good stuff it’s also the first thing That appears when you do that Doubleclick there K sampler first thing In the menu That’s not the only way that You can add nodes because of course you Can do much the same thing by right Clicking add node sampling and I’ve got A case sampler there there it is so we Got exactly the same node by doing right Click instead of double left click a Third way to add nodes is one that I use Quite a lot and that’s where you just Drag a little noodle out from the thing And then pick from the list that is Provided there I’ve added a model it’s Not always the best list it doesn’t Always work but most of the time it is Useful nodes can be dragged around quite Easy easily just click anywhere on the Blank bits and you can also resize them From the corners press the delete key on

Your keyboard to delete any selected Node and you’ve also got a little dot up In the corner which you can use to Toggle whether or not it is collapsed Time to drag some more noodles out of Our little friend there the K sampler First thing we want is a text encode Prompts we’ve got there for the positive And then same again for the negative The final input we have on that is a Latent image so once again I’m using That one and the one I want is an empty Latent image there it’s got the size 512 We want to see the image our text Will Generate so let’s do something with this Output once again we’ll drag that noodle We’ll do a decode that gives another Output we’ve got there okay and there I’m going to do preview image of course You could save it if you wanted to save Wow that’s almost a complete workflow if You look very closely at the colors for The inputs and outputs on each node You’ll see there is still a red vae and Some yellow nodes to connect as well Matching the colors makes it really easy But you should also see that when I try To drag a noodle out all the other Options go gray and literally the only One I can connect it to is that vae so Let’s do the same thing with the yellow Nodes we’ve got a clip into a clip a Clip into a clip and now we have a Completed workflow all it needs now is

Input from your imagination so let’s use This as an awesome positive prompt click Up our Q prompt and see what it Generates excellent I now have a rather Cool radent we make him a little bit Bigger there fantastic stuff so you now Want to do something a bit like a high Res fix you want most of the nodes that You’ve already got up there and wired in Much the same way not a problem hold Down the control key and you can select Multiple nodes okay so I’ve done a Little area select there but you can Also select the nodes individually press Contrl C to copy I’m going to zoom out a Little bit and then shift contrl V to Paste where my cursor is and now I’ve Got a a new set of nodes there and They’re already connected if you don’t Want them connected just do a plain crl V and that will paste without they’re Still selected so if I hold the shift Key I can also move them around as a Group so if I didn’t quite paste them in The right place that’s not a problem Either the other thing you can do is Make a little group out of them as well So if you right click anywhere on the Canvas add group for selected nodes will Give them a little group which makes Them even easier to move around and to Sort of see what each section does If you made a mistake you can just press Contrl Zed and that will undo so say I

Moved it down there by accident no Actually I want it back where it was Contrl Zed and that will undo if you if You actually want to undo your undo you Can do contrl y and that will Redo now that’s nearly a highres fix but One thing that’s left to do is just Change this one noodle because obviously I want the output from that case sampler To go through here okay so let’s do that Let’s add a new latent upscale node There it is got a search bar there so You can just type in words to search for We’ve got one there latent upscale let’s Put that in okay so we’ll connect that Noodle out from there and that new one Is going to go into there because I want To do a little upscale I’m going to go All the way up to 1024 for that one if I Can type There It Is I’ve got my upscale Latent node in there and one last thing To do here obviously I want the do noise A little bit lower otherwise that’s Going to just Che Chang the image Completely all right let’s fire that one Off and see if it works will I get a Little bit of a latent Upscale yes I will there he goes he’s Got a very nice tie as you can see There’s a little bit more detail and Obviously that’s 512 x 512 that’s 1024x 1024 maybe this set of nodes is Something you want to do a lot of in Which case why not make it a template

Okay so let’s select those three nodes And if I right click anywhere on the Template I can select save selected Nodes as template I can give it a name There we go let’s just give it a name For now and I’ve now saved those three Nodes as a template which I can pop into Any workflow at any time just by Selecting that node templates and there I’ve got a name so there I’ve done it And I’ve got another set of templates in There as you can see IP adapter basic There you go so it’s very handy when You’ve got one node which takes a Particular set of of inputs and it tends To always be the same inputs so that’s Quite nice and here’s another little Template I’ve got no templates prompt Everywhere that’s very handy just takes The text prompts and prompts things Everywhere so that’s absolutely Fantastic but now I’ve got loads of Nodes everywhere absolutely everywhere And normally to move you need to find a Bit of blank canvas but perhaps you Can’t find a bit of blank canvas because You’ve tied everything together really Neatly and you haven’t got any space but That doesn’t matter because you can Actually press space wherever your Cursor is and that will let you move the Canvas around so there’s no need to find A little bit to click you can just press Space and move around whenever you like

Another thing that some people don’t Like is all these noodles I mean look at That spaghetti isn’t that not very neat At all well there are some things you Can do with that for example we got this Little Cog over here on the menu and if You scroll down down a bit that will Give you link render mode by default It’s spline but perhaps you like Straight so there are the straight lines In which case there you go now we’ve got Things going straight instead lots of Different options in there so pick the One that you prefer chances are you’ll Want to add some sort of custom node but How do you install them and where do you Even find what’s available and what About keeping comfy UI up to dat well if You don’t already have comfy UI manager Installed then now is the time to do it Because it will manage all your custom Node and updating needs essentially this Is the only custom node you’ll need to Install this way because then the Manager will install everything for you So I’m going to go into custom nodes Exactly like it says there and then get Clone that copy and paste download that Restart comfy UI and you have comfy UI Manager installed really really easy if You’ve not yet installed comfy UI Normally and so you’re using the Microsoft Windows portable do note the Instructions for that case where here

You’ll first have to download and Install git for Windows and then Download their install manager for Portable bat so you can just download That and that will essentially do the Git clone command for you scrolling down Further other installations are Available too there’s instructions there For Linux with v EnV and also for collab Notebooks with comfy UI manager Installed you’ll now get this extra Button down there manager and share as Well click manager and you’ll get the Comfy UI manager menu here’s where you Can install custom nodes just click Install custom nodes and you’ll get a Whole bunch of things there as there’s Lots of nodes I suggest using the search If you’re looking for particular things And also note these yellow things things Here will give you information about Possible conflicts with nodes you’ve Already got installed if you’ve loaded Somebody else’s workflow then the Install missing custom node button is Your friend and along with the update All button being a lifesaver when it Comes to keeping all of your custom Nodes as well as comfy UI itself up to Date now one thing you might have Noticed is the little badges on some of My notes like this one says comfy UI IP Adapter plus so I know where I got it From how am I getting those little

Badges well it’s in manager there you Got badge nickname and there are a few Other options you can pick as well Talking of handy little options and Settings this comfyi custom scripts is Another custom node I suggest you Install because it’s got loads of Additional features for example if I go Back to that little Cog you’ll see a Bunch of things in here have a little Snake on them and that’s all from the Custom node and one of the things I Absolutely love is this option here Always snap to grid Now by default when You’re moving a node around you have to Hold the shift key to have it snap to Grid but with that tick you don’t ever Have to hold the shift down it always Snaps so you can keep everything nice And neatly aligned the other thing you Get with that is custom colors which I Find really handy you can rightclick on A node there colors and now we’ve got a Custom colors down at the bottom with a Palette so you can go absolutely wild And have some brilliantly colored nodes Everywhere personally I find colors Really really handy not quite sure how I Developed a color scheme but now I love Coloring stuff in and uh workflows just Seem to make sense with colors to me Anyway there’s a whole bunch of other Features that this ads as well so I do Suggest going to have a look at the

GitHub page for all the extras that you Get just with that one custom node some People don’t like noodles everywhere and One set of nodes which can really help Reduce your noodle load is use Everywhere or U nodes this example Workflow uses one simple node from that Pack anything everywhere three it just Connects in the model the clip and the V8 so you’ve got a little self-contained Thing there and anywhere it needs a Model clip or VA it automatically Connects now you’ll see sort of a double Circle around some of them that’s Because anything everywhere is connected To that if you really don’t know where Things are then that’s absolutely fine Because you can show U links and then You’ll see the noodles that it is hiding One great way to practice is by using Workflows from other people people as an Example and I’ve got a ton of them for You for free over on the a very comfy Nerd website also if you’re a patreon Then you’ll get bonus workflows too one Thing to note if you’re using certain Models such as the sdxl turbo and stable Video diffusion ones uh they do have a Slightly different license to previous Models as you can see there stability AI Non-commercial research community licens Agreement uh the main thing there being The new non-commercial Edition now they Have released some news that there’s

Going to be a subscription model coming Soon so keep your eyes peeled for that Should you be feeling creative and ready To start getting your ideas into Workflows but haven’t yet installed comy UI then do check out this next Video