The Future of Art: Lev Manovich’s Proposals for AI Arts

Exploring the Definition of AI Arts: Three Proposals
AI arts, or art created using artificial intelligence, is a topic that has garnered increasing attention in recent years. In a June 2019 article, Lev Manovich, a professor of computer science at the City University of New York, proposes three possible definitions for AI arts.
Defining AI Arts: The Complexities and Possibilities
The first proposal is that AI arts are created by humans programming computers to autonomously create new artifacts or experiences that professional members of the art world recognize as belonging to “contemporary art.” This definition is based on the traditional understanding of AI as computers being able to perform human-like cognitive tasks. However, Manovich points out that there is no commonly accepted definition of “art” among professionals, making it difficult to program a computer to independently create art.
The second proposal is that AI arts are created by humans using AI techniques to create “traditional art,” such as single images, poems, and music compositions. This approach is based on a pre-1960s understanding of art and has been the focus of many recent AI arts projects. However, Manovich argues that this approach is too conservative and ignores the development of modern art in the 20th century, which involved expanding the boundaries of what counts as art.
The third proposal is that AI arts are created by computers using AI techniques to autonomously generate new artifacts or experiences that challenge and expand the boundaries of what counts as art. This approach would involve programming computers with knowledge of art history and the development of the arts, as well as the ability to challenge and expand upon existing definitions of art. Manovich suggests that this approach has the potential to lead to a new form of art that is truly unique to AI.
Challenging the Boundaries of Art with AI: Lev Manovich’s Proposals
Manovich notes that the third proposal is the most challenging and ambitious, but also the most exciting and potentially transformative. He argues that it has the potential to lead to a new form of art that is truly unique to AI and that challenges and expands upon existing definitions of art.
AI Arts: A New Frontier in the World of Art
Overall, Manovich’s proposals offer different perspectives on what AI arts could be and highlight the complexity of defining this emerging field. As AI technologies continue to advance, it will be interesting to see how the field of AI arts develops and what new forms of art are created using these technologies.